Who is Jesus Part 1`
In this message we look at the blasphemous Jewish Elders and compare them with Peter who also blasphemed the Lord. While they all and Peter lie, Jesus tells the truth about who He is, the Son of the Blessed and the promised Messiah. It's because of who Jesus is that the Elders are condemned for denying Him. It's because of who Jesus is that Peter is forgiven for denying Him. This message will help you see how believers are not defined by their lowest point, but by the work of mercy and grace in us through Jesus Christ.
Series Information

Studying Mark verse by verse will bring us to a more active faith! The story presents Jesus as the servant of all the people He meets by caring for their needs and sharing the good new with them. This book will challenge you to live your faith in ways you never have before, while deepening your relationship with Jesus Christ the Savior.