Current Series

Spirit Inspired Poetry... Take a look at the Gospel through vulnerable, praise focused, and poetic writing.

Lessons on the Holy Spirit


Studying Mark verse by verse will bring us to a more active faith! The story presents Jesus as the servant of all the people He meets by caring for their needs and sharing the good new with them. This book will challenge you to live your faith in ways you never have before, while deepening your relationship with Jesus Christ the Savior.

In this wonderful book we discuss the story of Queen Esther alongside the parallel topics of Jewish Persecution. History tells us that the Jews have always been under attack with the aim being total genocide. But God has been faithful time after time to spare His chosen people.

This sermon series is all about finding Joy in the midst of Suffering. God works all things out for good for those who are called according to His purposes... including suffering. In fact, some of the greatest lessons we will learn as believers will be learned through suffering.

Ecclesiastes (Temporal vs. Eternal)
Solomon's final book is full of lessons on living for what is eternal. After a life full of sin, Solomon looks back with regret and writes about his prodigal time running from God.

Song of Solomon
This is the most misunderstood and avoided book of God's Word in Christian churches. Yet, everyone in the Church can learn from it powerful lessons concerning singleness, purity, marriage, intimacy, and more. Above that, the book pictures for us the beauty of Christ's love for His Bride, the Church.

The book is all about Christ! The church is built on Him, but also the whole world was created and is sustained by Him. The hope of every Christian is Christ in them, and this book displays the power and person of Christ the Lord Jesus who is God and became man.

Spirit-Filled Church (Acts)
In this book we take a look at the Early Church which was full of the power of God's Word and the power of the Holy Spirit. The book is long, however, it is an essential study for anyone serious about growing in their faith.